Benjamin Goering

Founder, Permanent.Cloud

Benjamin is the founder of, a platform and community that everyday people can use to replace proprietary SaaS apps with sustainable open source alternatives.

Benjamin started his career at age 19, moving to San Francisco and serving for 6 years as a Founding Engineer and Product Manager at Livefyre, a real-time commenting and social media aggregation platform.

As an Invited Expert in the W3C Social Web Working Group, he helped refine the ActivityStreams social data vocabulary and ActivityPub federated social networking protocol. In 2016, he created, the first implementation of ActivityPub.

After Adobe acquired Livefyre in 2016, Benjamin started, where he works with nonprofits and startups to build new features, scale cloud architectures, and adopt continuous integration and deployment best practices.

Ben is passionate about making technology accessible to everyone and designing decentralized systems that anyone can contribute to.

Benjamin Goering can be seen in:

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10:30-11:45 Friday